Our Story

Your Everyday Hat

We’re always on the move — whether it be working out, golfing, hiking, or traveling — and we strive to create functional headwear that helps you perform and look your best.

Our Story - Nostrand Sports

Why We Started Nostrand

Nostrand Sports started in 2021 out of necessity when we couldn’t find the everyday performance hat that fit our needs in terms of style and versatility. So we set out to create a premium hat that could transition seamlessly from the gym to the office, with a simple and clean design that was true to our DNA.

Our Values - Nostrand Sports

Our Values

We’re inspired by the hustle of the city as well as the peaceful nature upstate. We draw inspiration from both realms, and create products that will enhance your lifestyle in any environment.

What Sets Us Apart - Nostrand Sports

What Sets Us Apart

Fit — We’ve developed our own custom specifications with our factory and have iterated our core product (The Daily Tech Hat) for two years to achieve the perfect fitting hat.

Materials — We source premium textiles that are made to work hard. We have tested our hats in high intensity workouts and extreme heat to make sure they will last and not accumulate sweat stains or nasty odors.

Aesthetic — Simple design combined with modern technology is what we believe makes the ideal everyday hat. Our hats are designed to keep you moving day in and day out while looking great in any environment.